domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011

The mafia of the spanish greyhounds

 Greyhound Racing

30,000 euros for a Greyhound: The black market of these dogs is so significant that two years were recorded in 2000 allegations of theft.
After 8 months of uninterrupted research, with work overtime and weekends, the group SEPRONA Civil Guard managed to arrest 33 people, located in 18 Spanish provinces.

The thieves are working undercover in the world of hunting: identify the best examples, they follow their owners into their homes and threaten them with weapons, rifles and knives.

In the plot also involved the vets who helped remove the microchip identification of dogs, and several times the work was not well executed. Agents have found dogs with torn skin and severe infections caused by the removal of microchips, and animal ears burned to hide the tattoos identity.

Once free of suspicion, the gang gets together to test the quality of the dogs. Where they serve, are mistreated or simply abandoned to their fate.

Operation Harry allowed the recovery of about 200 dogs. The Spanish Federation of Greyhound funded the travel and maintenance costs of the kennels where they await identification. Currently 33 dogs were able reeencontrar their owners.

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